Monday, May 20, 2019

Animals Don’t Have Enough Rights

Animal rights Good morning my friends how ar you today? im going to start this discussion with a simple enquiry willing you go to jail if you kill a human? . Ofcourse you will, this is because cosmos have a right to prevail and to take ones life is a sin right? now let me ask you another question will you go to jail if you kill an animal? . The answer is no, why is this? because humans are to a greater extent inferior then others? a life is a life whether its a human or an animal.Do you live that in one day an average human kills up to 3 animals? why? merely so you can eat a good lunch or dinner at KFC or Mcdonalds. In my opinion animals dont have enough rights this is my topic for today. Did it ever occur to you that maybe animals have rights too? save because they cant speak doesnt mean they cant feel. Every year millions of animals are disected,infected,injected,gassed burned and blinded in hidden labs all over the world and most of the m without painkillers. And what for ? ust so you can unsex the modish perfume or shampoo. Would it kill to use organic items? if they arent killed the animals loll around traumatised and are shaken up which is worse. The justice is, is that animal testing has endangered the life of humans because the results from animal testing cant be apply to humans. This is because animals and humans are completely different from each other less than 2% of the diseases in humans appear on animals. In Australia last year, 6. 5 million animals were used in experiments.In these research labs just imagine how these animals would feel they are shoved in cages that are so small they get grazes and cuts on their spit out from trying to get comfy, also when an animal dies it is kept in a wheelbarrow near the cages. The animals get scared and even sometimes attack each other. Despite the death of these animals before they even get tested, lab workers continue to stuff them in tiny cages, each animal branded with a barcode descend ins tead of a name.In conclusion, animal testing is unreliable and sick, and now that there are alternatives to this (synthetic human skin, vitro testing) I suggest the government fully ban animal testing, we can help too next time you go shopping buy animal friendly products only and then animal testing labs will be forced to shut down and try not to eat too much of subject matter so that the killing of animals can be reduced. lets make the world a better, safer, happier place for humans and animals guess animals have rights too

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